PD Dr. Immanuel van Santen

Universität Basel
Departement Mathematik und Informatik
Spiegelgasse 1
4051 Basel, Schweiz
Room: 03.004
Phone: +41 61 207-5572
E-mail: immanuel.van.santen(at)unibas(dot)ch
About me
I am a researcher with teaching position at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Basel. My research subject lies in the field of algebraic geometry. I am particularly interested in the group of automorphisms/birational transformations of algebraic varieties and embedding problems of algebraic varieties. The rich automorphism groups and birational transformation groups of highly symmetric varieties is a very fascinating active research area.
Workshop "Algebraic Transformation Groups"
Together with Jérémy Blanc and Andriy Regeta, I am organizing a workshop on algebraic transformation groups in Monte Verità, Ascona, from May 5th to May 8th, 2024. Here is the webpage of the workshop.
Teaching in the autumn term 2024
Lecture: Hauptvorlesung: Lineare Algebra I
Lecture: Vorlesung: Einführung in die Topologie
Teaching in the spring term 2023
Lecture: Mastervorlesung: Algebraische Geometrie II
Teaching in the spring term 2022
Lecture: Hauptvorlesung: Algebra II
Teaching in the autumn term 2021
Lecture: Seminar: Differentialgeometrie
Teaching in the spring term 2021
Lecture: Hauptvorlesung: Differentialgeometrie
Teaching in the spring term 2020
Lecture: Hauptvorlesung: Algebra II
Teaching in the autumn term 2018
Lecture: Mastervorlesung: Algebraische Geometrie I
Teaching in the spring term 2018
Lecture: Hauptvorlesung: Algebra II
Current Ph.D. student (coadvising together with Jérémy Blanc)
Sept 2020- : Mani Esna-Ashari, subject: Finite subgroups of Cremona groups
Master students
Februar-August 2024: Rahel Dohrau, title: Generic projections in affine geometry.
March-July 2020: Gianni Talarico, title: Kleiman’s Transversality Theorem and Applications.
Peter Feller and Immanuel van Santen.
Uniqueness of Embeddings of the Affine Line into Algebraic Groups.
link to the poster
Andriy Regeta, Christian Urech, and Immanuel van Santen.
Group Theoretical Characterizations of Rationality.
Preprint, Sept. 2024.
Andriy Regeta, Christian Urech, and Immanuel van Santen.
The Structure of Algebraic Families of Birational Transformations.
Preprint, Sept. 2024.
Harry Schmidt and Immanuel van Santen.
On the Manin-Mumford Theorem for Algebraic Groups.
Preprint, May 2023.
1)Peter Feller and Immanuel Stampfli.
Holomorphically equivalent algebraic embeddings.
Preprint, October 2014.
Immanuel van Santen.
On the Weights of Root Subgroups of Affine Toric Varieties.
Accepted for publication in Transform. Groups, Dec. 2024.
or Official webpage
Andriy Regeta and Immanuel van Santen.
Maximal commutative unipotent subgroups and a characterization of affine spherical varieties.
Accepted for publication in the J. Eur. Math. Soc., April 2024.
or Official webpage
Jérémy Blanc, Pierre-Marie Poloni, Immanuel van Santen.
Complements of hypersurfaces in projective spaces.
Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques 11 (2024), 733-768.
https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.13040 or
Official webpage
Peter Feller and Immanuel van Santen.
Existence of Embeddings of Smooth Varieties into Linear Algebraic Groups.
J. Algebraic Geom. 32 (2023), no. 4, 729-786.
or Official webpage
Jérémy Blanc and Immanuel van Santen.
Automorphisms of the affine 3-space of degree 3.
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 71 (2022), 857-912.
or Official webpage
Jérémy Blanc and Immanuel van Santen.
Dynamical degrees of affine-triangular automorphisms of affine spaces.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2021), 1–42.
or Official webpage
Andriy Regeta and Immanuel van Santen.
Characterizing Smooth Affine Spherical Varieties via the Automorphism Group.
Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques 8 (2021), 379–414.
or Official webpage
Hanspeter Kraft, Andriy Regeta and Immanuel van Santen.
Is the affine space determined by its automorphism group?
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2021), no. 6, 4280–4300.
or Official webpage
Peter Feller and Immanuel van Santen.
Uniqueness of Embeddings of the Affine Line into Algebraic Groups.
J. Algebraic Geom. 28 (2019), no. 4, 649–698.
or Official webpage
Jérémy Blanc and Immanuel van Santen.
Embeddings of Affine Spaces into Quadrics.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), no. 12, 8429–8465.
or Official webpage
Stefan Maubach and Immanuel Stampfli.
On Maximal Subalgebras.
J. Algebra 483 (2017), 1–36.
or Official webpage
Immanuel Stampfli.
Algebraic embeddings of ℂ into
Transform. Groups 22 (2017), no. 2, 525–535.
or Official webpage
Immanuel Stampfli.
Automorphisms of ℂ3 Commuting with a
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2015), no. 19, 9832–9856.
or Official webpage
Jérémy Blanc and Immanuel Stampfli.
Automorphisms of the Plane Preserving a Curve.
Algebr. Geom. 2 (2015), no. 2, 193–213.
or Official webpage
Immanuel Stampfli.
A note on Automorphisms of the Affine Cremona Group.
Math. Res. Lett. 20 (2013), no. 6, 1177–1181.
or Official webpage
Hanspeter Kraft and Immanuel Stampfli.
On Automorphisms of the Affine Cremona Group.
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 63 (2013), no. 3, 1137–1148.
or Official webpage
Immanuel Stampfli.
On the Topologies on ind-Varieties and related Irreducibility Questions.
J. Algebra 372 (2012), 531–541.
or Official webpage
Immanuel van Santen.
Embeddings and Automorphisms in Affine Algebraic Geometry. 2021.
Habilitation Thesis , Inaugural
lecture ,
Lecture for the faculty
Immanuel Stampfli.
Contributions to Automorphisms of Affine Spaces. 2013.
Doctoral Thesis
1) After uploading this article on arXiv.org, we were informed that the main result was already proven by Shulim Kaliman in https://arxiv.org/abs/1309.3791 now published in [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.]. We don't intend to submit this article to any peer-review journal. ↩