Jérémy Blanc - Universität Basel - Mathematik
3rd Swiss-French workshop on algebraic geometry
Enney (near Gruyères, Fribourg, Switzerland), January 27-31, 2014
The workshop was held in Enney from January 27 to 31, 2014.

In the morning, there were three mini-courses of 5 hours (3 times one hour each day).
Michel BRION (Grenoble) Local properties of actions of linear algebraic groups
Serge CANTAT (Rennes) Dynamical Degrees
Yuri PROKHOROV (Moscow)
Finite subgroups of the space Cremona group and Fano threefolds.

In the afternoon, we had research talks of 50 minutes.

Talks: In Enney, ("Centre l'Ondine, Viva-Gruyère" )
January 27
January 28
January 29
January 30
January 31

12h30 welcome

 mini-course 1

 mini-course 2

 mini-course 3


 mini-course 1

 mini-course 2

 mini-course 3


 mini-course 1

 mini-course 2

 mini-course 3


 mini-course 1

 mini-course 2

 mini-course 3

 lunch  lunch  lunch  lunch

 mini-course 1

 mini-course 2

 mini-course 3


time for discussion / enjoying the mountain

 talk - S. Vishkautsan

 talk - M. Robayo


time for discussion / enjoying the mountain

 talk - C. Petitjean

 talk - J. Furter


time for discussion / enjoying the mountain

 talk - M. Shkolnikov

 talk - S. Lamy


Mini-courses - titles and abstracts
Michel BRION - Local properties of actions of linear algebraic groups
The mini-course will present some fundamental properties of actions of linear algebraic groups (especially tori) on algebraic varieties: linearization of invertible sheaves; existence of invariant affine neighborhoods; the Bialynicki-Birula decomposition. The setting will be algebraic geometry over an arbitrary field.
Serge CANTAT - Dynamical Degrees
Let V be a complex projective variety and let f be a rational transformation of V. The graph G(f) is an algebraic subset of VxV ; taking iterates, one gets a sequence of graphs G(f^n) in VxV. The dynamical degrees of f are non-negative real numbers that describe how the sequence G(f^n) grows with n. For instance, they capture the exponential growth rate of the volume of G(f^n) as n goes to infinity. I shall explain the definition of these numbers, their dynamical meaning, and some of the very nice arithmetical properties that they satisfy (at least conjecturally).
Yuri PROKHOROV - Finite subgroups of the space Cremona group and Fano threefolds
The aim of this course is to introduce a techniques - based on the minimal model program - that can be used to classify finite subgroups of Cremona groups. I concentrate on the three-dimensional case.

Lecture 1.
Introduction. G-MMP. Fano-Mori models. Examples.
Lecture 2.
Gorenstein Fano threefolds. Projective models. Non-Gorenstein case.
Lecture 3.
Special kinds of Fano threefolds: del Pezzo varieties.
Lecture 4.
Mori-Mukai classification.
Sarkisov links and Fano threefolds of rank 2.
Some invariants of conjugacy classes.
Lecture 5.
Prime Fano threefolds.
Iskovskikh and Mukai classification. Applications.


Talks - titles and abstracts
Jean-Philippe FURTER - Generalities on the groups SL2( [x1,...,xn] )
The group SL2() is often considered as a good prototype of a linear algebraic group. Analogously, the theory of ind-groups should probably begin with groups such as SL2( [x1,...,xn] ). In my lecture, I will address different questions related with these groups, especially considered as ind-groups. In particular, we will have a look at the essentially different cases n=1 and n ≥2.
Stéphane LAMY - Blow-up of smooth curves
I will blow-up some smooth curves in threefolds and decide when the variety obtained is weak-Fano. Joint work with JB.   
Charlie PETITJEAN - A combinatorial description of T-varieties
The coordinate ring A of a normal affine variety endowed with an effective action of the torus T=(*)n admits a natural grading indexed by the lattice of characters of T. We will review a method due to Altmann and Hausen to describe the graded pieces of A in terms of pairs (Y,D) consisting of a variety Y and a certain divisor D on Y with "combinatorial" coefficients.
Maria Fernanda ROBAYO - Finite order birational diffeomorphisms of the sphere for the conic bundle case
Let S be the real algebraic projective surface defined by the equation w2=x2+y2+z2 in 2. The group of birational diffeomorphisms of S is denoted by Diffbir(S) or Aut(S()) and corresponds to those birational transformations f such that f and f -1 are defined at every real point of S. For gDiffbir(S) of finite order it is known that if (X,g') is the minimal resolution of (S,g'), where g'Aut(X) is the lift of g, then
(1) rank Pic(X)g'=1 and X is a Del Pezzo surface, or
(2) rank Pic(X)g'=2 and Π: X→ 1 is a conic bundle. We present some algebraic and geometric results about the conjugacy classes of birational diffeomorphisms of finite order for the case (2).
Mikhail SHKOLNIKOV - Counting curves on surfaces over non-algebraically closed fields
Consider a very ample line bundle on a surface over an algebraically closed field. There is a classical enumerative problem of counting curves in the corresponding linear system of given genus and passing through a generic configuration of points. This numbers are usually called the Severi Degrees, in many cases they are known and well understood. One can try to formulate the same problem over an arbitrary field. But the corresponding number of curves will depend on the configuration of points even if it is generic. In the real case Welschinger managed to define a weighted invariant count of rational curves on a surface. Both Severi Degrees and Welschinger invariants for toric surfaces can be computied in a quite similar way via tropical geometry. Surprisingly, it appears that there exist a one parametric family of such refined invariant tropical counts with so called Bloch-Goettsche multiplicities which in a sense connects real and complex cases. It is expected that they provide answers to some unknown enumerative problems. In my talk I will prose some candidates.
Soli VISHKAUTSAN - Arithmetic dynamics and residual periodicity of birational automorphisms of cubic surfaces
We present "residual periodicity", a relatively new concept in arithmetic dynamics, as defined by Bandman, Grunewald and Kunyavskii. A rational self-map of a quasiprojective variety defined over a number field is strongly residually periodic if its minimal periods are bounded modulo almost every prime (where the bound is uniform, i.e. not depending on the prime). We discuss some interesting examples, and present results about residual periodicity of birational automorphisms of cubic surfaces.

How to come
The journey to Enney is 2 hours from Geneva, 2h30 from Basel/Zurich, 1h30 from Lausanne.
See timetables on www.cff.ch.
The train station of Enney is at 10 minutes by foot from the center. See the map, with the blue path given by google (pay attention to the snow!)

Ivan Bazhov (Geneva)
Mohammed Benzerga (Angers)
Cinzia Bisi (Ferrara)
Michel Brion (Grenoble)
Jérémy Blanc (Basel)
Serge Cantat (Rennes)
Jung Kyu Canci (Basel)
Adrien Dubouloz (Dijon)
Jean-Philippe Furter (La Rochelle)
Isac Héden (Uppsala)
Johannes Josi (Geneva)
Natalia Kolokolnikova (Geneva)
Nikon Kurnosov (Moscow)
Kevin Langlois (Grenoble)
Stéphane Lamy (Toulouse)
Matthias Leuenberger (Bern)
Lucy Moser-Jauslin (Dijon)
Frédéric Mangolte (Angers)
Charlie Petitjean (Dijon)
Pierre-Marie Poloni (Basel)
Yuri Prokhorov (Moscow)
Abdul Rauf (Bremen)
Andriy Regeta (Basel)
Maria Fernanda Robayo (Basel)
Christoph Schiessl (ETHZ)
Junliang Shen (ETHZ)
Mikhail Shkolnikov (Geneva)
Ronan Terpereau (Mainz)
Artur Tomberg (Moscow)
Christian Urech (Basel/Rennes)
Soli Vishkautsan (Ben-Gurion)
Susanna Zimmermann (Basel)

Send an email to Jeremy Blanc unibas ch if you would like to participate.

Adrien Dubouloz (Dijon)
Jérémy Blanc (Basel)

Financial support
We gratefully acknowledge support from:
Swiss mathematical society
Swiss doctoral program
French ANR, project BIRPOL
University of Basel