Jérémy Blanc - Universität Basel - Mathematik
Basel-Freiburg-Nancy-Strasbourg Seminar 2013
Strasbourg, December 18, 2013
Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée - 7 rue René Descartes - 67084 Strasbourg Cedex
Freiburg in Brisgau
Freiburg in Brisgau

10h30-11h30 - Damian BROTBEK - Height inequality for surfaces in an abelian variety
Given a function field K and a projective variety X over K, Vojta conjectured an inequality between the canonical height of an algebraic point on X and the discriminant of that point. In this talk, I will explain how to obtain such a height inequality when X is a generic surface in an abelian threefold. The proof if based on the study of higher order jet spaces. This is a joint work with Carlo Gasbarri.
11h45-12h45 - Clemens JOERDER - On the Poincaré lemma on singular spaces
On a singular normal complex space the cochain complex of sheaves of reflexive differential forms is not a resolution of the sheaf of locally constant functions, since the Poincaré lemma for reflexive differential forms fails in general. I discuss under which conditions the Poincaré lemma is valid. Furthermore I will relate the question of its failure to vanishing theorems of Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano type.
14h30-15h30 - Sergei KOVALENKO - Smooth Non-Homogeneous Gizatullin Surfaces
Quasi-homogeneous surfaces, or Gizatullin surfaces, are normal affine surfaces such that the complement of the big orbit of the automorphism group is finite. If the action of the automorphism group is transitive, the surface is called homogeneous. Examples of non-homogeneous Gizatullin surfaces were constructed in [Ko], but on more restricted conditions. We show that a similar result holds under less constrained assumptions. Moreover, we exhibit examples of smooth affine surfaces with a non- transitive action of the automorphism group whereas the automorphism group is huge. This means that the automorphism group is not generated by a countable set of algebraic subgroups and that its quotient by the (normal) subgroup, generated by all algebraic subgroups, contains a free group over an uncountable set of generators.

[Ko] S. Kovalenko, Transitivity of automorphism groups of Gizatullin surfaces, arXiv: 1304.7116.
16h-17h - Giovanni MONGARDI - Ample cone and negative divisors for Hilbert schemes of points on K3s
For K3 surfaces, the ample cone is cut out by rational curves of selfintersection -2. In the case of Hilbert schemes of points of K3 surfaces and their deformations, a similar result can be phrased using certain divisors whose top self intersection is negative.
Webpage of the seminar with all past meetings.