Bern, September 10-11, 2012 The aim of this workshop was to give opportunity to PhD students of the program (Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel) to give a talk on their subject to other students and also to some researchers of the topic. It was also a chance to have discussions between the students after the talks or during the social dinner.
The talks were supposed to be not too technical in order to be understandable by all other students of the fields. Speakers
Schedule Talks: In Room B77
PDF of the abstracts.
Participants (of the Swiss doctoral program)
Peter Feller (Bern)Christian Graf (Basel) Jordane Granier (Fribourg) Matthieu Jacquemet (Fribourg) Pierre-Nicolas Jolissaint (Neuchâtel) Alexander Kolpakov (Fribourg) Matthias Leuenberger (Bern) Maike Massierer (Basel / Neuchâtel) Matey Mateev (Basel / Neuchâtel) Aglaia Myropolska (Geneva) Filip Misev (Bern) Alberto Ravagnagni (Neuchâtel) Alexandre Ramos-Peon (Bern) Maria Fernanda Robayo (Basel) Andriy Regeta (Basel) Immanuel Stampfli (Basel) Samuel Tinguely (Geneva) Nicolas Weisskopf (Fribourg) Other participants
Sebastian Baader (Bern)Jérémy Blanc (Basel) Pierre de la Harpe (Geneva) Elisa Gorla (Neuchâtel) Frank Kutzschebauch (Bern) Alvaro Liendo (Bern) Pierre-Marie Poloni (Basel) Christine Riedtmann (Bern) Accomodation
Some cheap hotels are available in Bern (PhD students can be refunded by the Swiss doctoral program if the price is less than 90CHF, see here the rules for reimbursement.) Bern Backpackers Bern youthhostel Hotel-Pension Marthahaus Casa Silvana B & B Elisabeths Bed and Breakfast National Bern Hotel |