Rémi Bignalet-Cazalet (Dijon) - Birational plain curves
A homaloidal curve X in P^2(C) is a curve whose polar map P^2(C) --> P^2(C) is birational. We will describe all such curves in term of their associated logarithmic tangent bundle.
Michel Brion (Grenoble) - Extensions of algebraic groups with finite quotient
We will show that every finite quotient of an algebraic group G can be lifted (non-isomorphically) to a finite subgroup of G. We will give applications of this result to the structure of commutative algebraic groups.
Andrea Fanelli (Basel) - Effective Matsusaka for Surfaces in Positive Characteristic
In this talk, based on a joint paper with Gabriele Di Cerbo, I will discuss the problem of determining an effective bound on the multiple which makes an ample divisor D on a smooth surface X (in positive characteristic) very ample.
Jean-Philippe Furter (Basel) - Length in the Cremona group
I will define a natural length in the plane Cremona group and give a few properties of it.
This a joint work with J. Blanc.
Philipp Habegger (Basel) - Curves of Genus 2 with Bad Reduction and Complex Multiplication
If a smooth projective curve of positive genus which is defined over a number field has good reduction at some finite place, than so does its jacobian. But the converse already fails in genus 2. To study the extent of this failure we investigate jacobian that have complex multiplication. This forces the jacobians to have potentially good reduction at all finite places by a theorem of Serre and Tate. I will present and make precise the following result. There are only finitely many curves of genus 2, defined over an algebraic closure of the rationals, which have good stable reduction everywhere and whose jacobians have complex multiplication and satisfy some further (but possibly unnecessary) restrictions. This is joint work with Fabien Pazuki.
Lucy Moser-Jauslin (Dijon) - Locally nilpotent derivations on graded rings
In the study of locally nilpotent rings of integral domains, an important tool has been to consider homogeneous derivations with respect to Z-gradings. In this talk, I will discuss how gradings for other abelian groups (in particular finite abelian groups) can be used in order to find information about certain affine varieties. This is joint work with D. Daigle and G. Freudenburg.
Stefan Kebekus (Freiburg im Brisgau) - Higgs sheaves on singular spaces and the Miyaoka-Yau Inequality for minimal varieties of general type
By fundamental work of Birkar-Cascini-Hacon-McKernan, we know
that the minimal model program works flawlessly for varieties of general
type. One may thus wonder which fundamental results for manifolds of
general type also hold for minimal varieties. Here, consider an
appropriate version of classical the Miyaoka-Yau inequality.
Bachar Al Hajjar (Dijon)
Rémi Bignalet-Cazalet (Dijon)
Jérémy Blanc (Basel)
Michel Brion (Grenoble)
Jung-Kyu Canci (Basel)
Adrien Dubouloz (Dijon)
Andrea Fanelli (Basel)
Jean-Philippe Furter (Basel)
Philipp Habegger (Basel)
Mattias Hemmig (Basel)
Lucy Moser-Jauslin (Dijon)
Stefan Kebekus (Freiburg im Brisgau)
Hanspeter Kraft (Basel)
Francesco Veneziano (Basel)
Susanna Zimmermann (Basel)
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